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Potty Training the Twins – Day 5/6

If you’ve been reading along through our potty training journey you know we’ve pretty much been on lock down for the last 4 days. Not leaving the house, no diapers at all, potty training boot camp. Today, we went out. We needed a little time out of the house, its Labor Day weekend and, let’s face it, they are going to have to be able to use the potty outside of our house eventually. 

We started with an easy location, my parents, Mama and Poppie’s house. That first time you go out you’re going to be nervous, an accident is bound to happen, they are learning. So start with somewhere that they know and are comfortable with and where you’re comfortable enough if/when they have an accident.

When you leave the house during potty training, even for the next few months after you think you’re done, you’ll want to make sure you pack a few things in case of an accident.  Here’s a list of what I pack in my “Accident Kit” to give you an idea.

  • extra clothes I would bring a few extra sets of clothes, including undies, at first.  Remember extra socks if they are wearing socks and shoes.  Sometimes it runs all the way down and soaks their socks too.
  • Disposable changing pads  Very handy if there is a big mess
  • Travel size soap  If it is a big mess, you and your little one will probably feel better if he is nice and clean.
  • Washclothe or Rag  To use with the soap.  Use an old rag or inexpensive cloth so you won’t mind throwing it out if you have to.
  • Disposable Diaper Sacks  These I have always used for stinky diapers.  They also are great for storing the wet and dirty clothes to bring home and wash.

I’ve listed some of the products I use below, with links directly to Amazon.

So, how did our first day out go? Not too good.  I was thankful we were at my parents.  The twins had a few accidents each and were not interested at all on going on the potty. With their cousins there and so much going on they were too distracted and so excited.   I’ll be honest, it was really stressful.  I was feeling defeated.  But I remembered, they are learning and this is all new for them.  I tried to look on the bright side, we made it through another whole day without diapers.  I didn’t cave and reverse any progress we may have made.  That is progress right there, right??  As I told you in an earlier post, it’s the small victories people, keep your expectations low.  Don’t expect your kid to get it right away.  But don’t go back and forth either.  Once you start, you’re in, there’s no backing out now. And I promise just when you think they’ll never get it, one day it will click.

Which brings me to Day 6.  We introduced the little seat for the toilet today.  Wow, were they excited about that little seat! They couldn’t wait to get up there and pee! Even my reluctant little Logan!  Lots of cheers and high fives on Day 6! I was feeling pretty good by the end of the day, even if Lennon had peed on the floor in the middle of Costco, I’d consider the day a win! 

As you can see, even with my potty training experience, we still struggled.  So don’t put too much pressure on your child or you. Getting advice is great, listening to other people’s experiences can be really helpful, just PLEASE, don’t compare your child’s progress to another child’s. Every kid is different, even with my own 4, every one of them went through this differently.

I think this is where I will leave you as far as the daily potty training posts.  I will definitely post an update in the coming weeks.  Please feel free to comment below or ask any questions!  Good luck to all you potty training parents out there!

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