Potty training twins help
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Potty Training the Twins – Day 3

The joy’s of potty training twins, day 3.  If you’ve been reading along with this series (and if you haven’t definitely go back and check out the previous posts!)  you may have noticed this isn’t exactly a how-to for potty training. It’s more like how potty training practices actually look in real life. It’s me putting all the knowledge I’ve acquired about potty training and applying it in real day to day life.  How-to’s for potty training are very helpful but, as I’m sure you noticed the moment that baby was born (or maybe during labor) things don’t always go exactly according to plan. My posts will give you an idea of how I navigate any “bumps” along the road.

I have gone through potty training twice. I have done it with our daughter and I have done it with our oldest son. You would think it’d be easier this time. But twins, trying to get 2 toddlers on the potty, chasing 2 toddlers around trying to catch accidents, getting one toddler to the bathroom only to find the other doing his business in the corner, doing double the amount of pee covered laundry…its definitely a whole new challenge.  And, on top of all that, having a 6 year old and 4 year old to also take care of…I’ve been known to say I like a challenge but on the morning of day 3 I was feeling like this was more than I can handle.  By 10 am I had already cleaned up poop off the floor twice. Logan was still reluctant to go on that potty. I gave up trying to do anything other than watching him, waiting for an inclination he was about to pee. Then, at 1:24 PM exactly, he stopped what he was doing, walking into the bathroom sat down, peed, dumped it in the toilet and flushed. Then he clapped and said “hands!” I couldn’t believe it. I helped wash his hands and off he went. And the rest of the day went on like that, mostly. My husband did comment that I used the word pee or potty every 3 minutes…”anyone have to use the potty?” “You have to pee, anyone?” “Remember, don’t pee on the rug or the floor.” “Don’t pee on the chairs, boys, get to the potty.” I felt like they knew what to do now, I had to just keep reminding them. Whatever, it seemed to be working, there were no accidents for the rest of day 3.  Although, at bath time Logan resisted sitting on the potty again.  It’s as if he will not do it if I tell him to, he has to want to do it on his own. Strong-willed little boy, I’ll be sure to remember that part of his personality as he grows.  If you are also struggling with a strong-willed (or just straight up stubborn) child, stay strong Mamas and Poppas! It’s all temporary.  This phase, like so many others before it, will pass.  No matter how messy and stinky it is, it will pass.  And your child will be potty trained.

Day 4, here we come!

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