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Potty Training the Twins – Day 2

Day 2 started out much like Day 1.  Logan is still not happy with his bare bottom and is fighting going on the potty.  Like I said before, rushing or being pushy will NOT help.  So, I just let him do whatever he was comfortable with and also watched him like a hawk to catch him before any accidents.  Waterproof pads came in very handy today.  Having 4 kids I have accumulated a number of different sizes and types of pads.  They are useful in so many ways.  Aside from the obvious under the crib sheet, or on the toddler’s bed (just in case), they’re  great to line in car seats for long rides, I keep them all around the house for a quick changing pad.  Today, I used some in the twins’ booster seats and to cover their favorite places to sit. Below are links to pads that I like the best, ones that work the best and last long.  I’ve come accross a few that don’t hold up after a few washes.  Disposable pads are great too!

Lennon continued to do really well with it.  I was so impressed how easliy he picked it up.  By the end of the day he had even pooped in his little potty!  So proud! lol.  Towards the end of the day Logan decided he wanted to try standing up at his little potty.  His aim was slightly off but it got him interested.  He was trying.  And no matter how much clean up it was for me, I was happy to see him learning and trying.  It’s the small victories, people.  Don’t focus on the big picture and stress yourself out over this.  Take it one potty trip at a time.  Your child will learn to use the potty.  The more patient and encouraging you are easier it will come to them, I promise.  But stand your ground too.  Our one big rule is, no bath tub until they use the potty.  Logan did not like this.  Lennon sat right down, used the potty and got in the tub.  Logan watched him and proceeded to cry on the bathroom floor.  I know he understood what was expected of him.  He cried all the way through Lennon’s bath, and I ended up just cleaning up his face and hands in the sink.  He missed bath time (which they love!)  When we were done cleaning up and brushing his teeth, he walked over to the potty and went.  See! If I had let him get in the tub he would have peed as soon as he got in, I know it!! 

Heading into Day 3, my advice is have a plan, be as consistent as you possibly can (potty as soon as they wake up, potty before they get in booster seats, potty before the tub), that routine will help them get used to it.  Also, have a plan but follow their cues too. Remember, this is new and stressful for them too.  They are not purposely trying to drive you insane, no matter how much it may feel that way as they look you in the eye and pee on the area rug.  Keep your cool, you’ve got this and remember, when you feel like it can’t get any worse, I promise you, there is another parent in a worse potty training disaster somewhere…try to take comfort in that.

Looking forward to see what Day 3 has in store for us!

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