My Favorites Uncategorized

Amazon’s subscribe and save, because running out of diapers and wipes is not pretty

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“I don’t know how you do it!” Is the thing I hear the most. Every single day, I hear this at least once! Which, in part, is what prompted me to start this blog.  And today, I’m here to tell you about one of the many, many, many things that help us get through this chaotic time in our lives! Amazon’s subscribe and save!

When we were thrown into the insanity that is parenting we were absolutely fucking clueless! We had no idea what we were getting ourselves into. Fortunately, I discovered Amazon prime pretty early on.  If you have not signed up yet, DO IT! DO IT NOW!

If you’ve been on the fence of whether or not the fee is worth it, take it from this mom of 4, it is absolutely worth it.  Click that link and make your life a little easier!

Get your Subscribe and Save Set up Now

Then, go ahead and get your subscribe and save set up! You get 20% off diapers and they are shipped, FOR FREE, right to your door! There is no down side here people!! And you can browse hundreds of products that are available for this fantastic service!  

It is hard being a parent! New or seasoned, doesn’t matter. Everyday is exhausting.  And it is damn near impossible to stay on top of everything. Subscribe and save takes a little of that pressure off by having your every day items shipped automatically right to your door every month!

My subscribe and save includes diapers, wipes, paper towels, toilet paper, laundry detergent, dryer sheets, fabric softener, Clorox wipes, garbage bags, dog food, kids vitamins, ziploc bags, snacks and more! All of which I get 15% off! Diapers are 20% and everything else is 15% off.  

You can pick your delivery date, and how often they get delivered. It’s also super easy to change or skip deliveries if you don’t need something that month.  I can not express how much this service has helped me! As parents, we all know how hard it is to get out with kids. It’s a nightmare most of the time. And running out of wipes or diapers is not pretty. So, do yourself a favor and sign up!

If you have any questions at all about signing up or how I use this service, please comment below! I’m always happy to help!

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