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My choice for the Best Double Stroller

Let me start by telling you that I have had 8 strollers! 8 strollers seems ridiculous, right? But, now you see how qualified I am to give this recommendation.  So let me tell you why, after using all these different strollers, that took me through all the phases of having 4 kids in 4 years (including twins), my Bob Revolution Flex Duallie Double Stroller will always be my #1!

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First, here are the important things you need to know about this stroller:

  • You can only put one infant seat in, so this isn’t your stroller to START with if you’re having twins. (For that I would suggest the contours option elite tandem double stroller.)
  • 3 large, rubber wheels make it extremely easy to maneuver.
  • Works great on ANY terrain
  • Easy to open and easy to fold
  • Wide, padded seats with 5 point harness
  • Plenty of storage 
  • You will need to buy some accessories to go with it. 

This stroller is only able to hold 1 infant seat, so if you’re having twins, like me, you’ll have to start with another double. Already having 2 children that were close in age, I already had a double to use when the twins were first born. I’ll talk about that stroller in another post.

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With the adaptor, the infant seat snaps on and straps in.

You can start using the Bob, without an infant seat, when your baby is 6 months old (or able to sit upright and hold his head up) but you shouldn’t start jogging with them until 8 – 12 months old. Talk to your pediatrician if you are unsure or have any concerns.

Pricey but worth it!

This stroller is pricey but, after using it for 2 years now, it was worth EVERY PENNY!  It truly makes going out with 4 young kids (even just 2 young kids) so much easier! It is easy to open and easy to fold up. Its roughly 30 lbs. and after lifting a few hefty toddlers, this stroller really does not seem too heavy at all! Really just the best double stroller all around.

#1 Best Double Stroller For Maneuverability

What really amazed me about this stroller was how insanely easy it is to maneuver. Seriously, you could steer this thing with one finger if you wanted to, even with 2 not-so-light toddlers in there. Going around turns are no problem. It can turn on a dime with no preparation. Weaving through stores is a breeze! And I have yet to come across a doorway we can’t fit through. It looks wider than it actually is. People are always shocked at how this stroller can fit through doorways! 

The 3 wheel design helps make it so maneuverable. The tires are wide and rubber. Which makes it great for all terrain! We love getting off the road and hitting the trails with this stroller!  I have done gravel paths, dirt trails, even grass, this stroller handles it all with ease!  I have taken it on the beach too. In really soft sand it gets a little difficult but I still was able to pull (instead of push) it onto the beach.  And the front tire has a lock position for when you want to run. 

The 3 wheels makes it so easy to hop over curbs too.  I did not realize how important that would be until my daughter started kindergarten. We usually walk to her school, but to get her up to the door at her school I have to go up a pretty steep hill and hop 3 curbs to get to the entrance!  People are always commenting on how hard that must be and giving me way too much credit for it. The Bob makes it really easy!  If I walk around to the other side of the school I can get up there without having to hop curbs but it is quite a bit of extra walking to get to that side. 

This hill we walk up to get to my daughter’s school!  

Large underneath Basket, plenty of pockets

Another great thing about this stroller is all storage space.  There is a nice sized pocket behind each seat. And it has a large storage area under the seats as well.  Plenty of room for all kinds of stuff! And in each seat there is a little stowaway pocket.

Large basket underneath and large pockets on the back of the seats shown here. 

While there is a good amount of storage I definitely recommend getting a handlebar console. You’re going to need somewhere to keep your beverage! I don’t know about you but I can’t go anywhere without a coffee, water, tea, something! I always need a drink! I also got the clips to put on the handlebar. They work perfect for holding the diaper bag, backpacks or shopping bags. The handle bar is adjustable and can hold up to 50 lbs.!

When we found out we were having twins, we saved money on everything we could!  We searched for hand-me-downs where ever we could. But if you’re going to splurge on anything, your stroller is definitely the one area you should!!

I would not have been able to survive with 4 kids, 4 and under, without this stroller!  Once the twins were big enough to ride in our Bob things got a little easier. They love sitting in there, even now at 2 1/2 years old, no matter where we go.  The seats are very large and padded for comfort. The 5 point harness is super easy to adjust, as are the reclining seats.

With the snack tray they can eat all the snacks they want in there! We have even parked it at a table and they’ve eaten full meals at restaurants in there!  

We have been to a number of outdoor festivals thanks to this stroller! It can handle any terrain and weaving through crowds. We have taken this stroller to zoos, aquariums, boardwalks, New York City, hiking trails, malls, and more!! 

This stroller is tough and durable! After 2 years with this family and still being in the great shape it’s in, is a true testament to the quality of this stroller!

I’m not going to recommend it, but, yeah, sometimes I have all 4 of them in there!

Please feel free to ask any questions you may have below in the comments! 

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