Minion pretzels, minion cupcakes, minion cake pops

Minion Treats – DIY Minion pretzels, cupcakes and cakepops

Does your Minion obsessed little one have a birthday coming up?? Then you need to check out these easy DIY Minion treats!!

I looked at a few different pictures across the internet of other Minion-themed treats and these are what I came up with.  As usual, I tried to make it as easy and idiot-proof as possible.  Also, as usual, I made a few mistakes which I will tell you all about so that you do not make the same ones!

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Minion Chocolate Covered Pretzels

Minion Chocolate covered pretzels

Chocolate covered pretzels are my go-to for DIY treats.  They are so so so easy.  I used to think chocolate covered anything must be the hardest most complicated thing to do! Turns out, its super easy and I really enjoy making them.  So, Minion pretzel rods were my first choice.

Here is what you’ll need

  1.  Blue candy melts
  2. yellow candy melts
  3. small candy eyeballs
  4. black icing pen (icing pen, very important don’t get the gel pen!)

Get yourself set up with cookie sheets lined with parchment or foil.  To melt your chocolate you can use a double boiler or you can use a mug in the microwave.  If using a microwave, do only 30 seconds at a time, stirring between.

Stirring is the key with melting chocolate no matter which way you decide to melt it.  Start with blue.  Once your candy is melted dip your pretzel rods and lay them on the cookie sheet.  Once you fill a cookie sheet, put it in the fridge so they can cool and harden.  

Now melt your yellow.  This part gets a little tricky.  Make sure your blue pretzel rods are good and cool.  Also, let your yellow melted chocolate cool just a bit before you dip.  The first few I did, the hot yellow chocolate melted the blue that was already on the pretzels.  So, make sure your blue are cooled enough and the yellow isn’t super hot and dip quickly!  Do all that and you should fine.  It may take a couple tries to get it just right but you’ll get it.

You can see here where the hot yellow chocolate melted the blue a little

You’ll want to put the candy eyeballs on when the yellow chocolate is still warm.  Let them cool in the fridge and then draw the goggles and mouths with your black icing pen.  **Don’t get the gel icing pen, it never hardens enough, even leaving it in the fridge over night.  It stays tacky.  The gel pen is fine for cupcakes and cakes but not for pretzels.

FreckleBox Halloween

Minion Cake Balls or Pops

Minion cakepops

Here’s what you’ll need:

  1.  box of cake mix
  2. icing
  3. yellow candy melts
  4. black icing pen (DO NOT get the gel icing pen!)

Cake Balls and Cake Pops, another treat that is much easy than it seems to make.  Pick your cake, we picked chocolate.  Pick your icing, we picked chocolate.  Bake your cake according to the directions.  Let it cool, just cool enough for you to touch.  Break it up and stir in frosting. 

Have a lined cookie sheet ready.  Once your cake and frosting are mixed start making balls.  The size is up to you and depends on if you’re doing just balls or of you’re doing pops.  Once you’ve filled you’re cookie sheet with cake balls, then pop them in the freezer to cool and harden.

If you are doing pops some people put the sticks in now, before they go in the freezer.  I found it was easier to dip them in the chocolate and then put the sticks in.  

While the cake balls were in the freezer, I melted the yellow chocolate.  Once they were cooled and hardened enough, I dipped the cake in the chocolate and just used a spoon to get it out then dropping it on a lined cookie sheet.  Be sure to get the candy eyeballs on while the chocolate is warm and soft.  Let them cool in the fridge and then draw your goggles on.

Minion Cupcakes

As I mentioned earlier, I always try to find the simplest way to create a good looking result.  I looked at as many Minion cupcake images as I could find, there are lots!!!  From super amazing and intricate down to really simple.  Mine fall somewhere in between.  I don’t have great culinary skills but I do enjoy being creative.  

Here’s what you’ll need:

  1.  Cake Mix
  2. Yellow icing (I found these great bags of icing at Walmart DEFINITELY made them easier!  Click the link to order them!)
  3. Large Marshmallows
  4. Chocolate Licorice
  5. M&Ms (for the eyeballs)
  6. Blue cupcake liners

Bake your cupcakes according to the package.  Once they are cooled, ice them with your yellow icing.  If you can’t find yellow like I did, you can get white and add yellow food coloring.  That’s what I went to the store thinking I was buying.  It was a surprise when I found this yellow icing at our local Walmart, which is a freaking amazing idea, btw!! They had a few different colors to choose from too!

Cut your licorice, I cut 2 little pieces for each cupcake and put them on first.  Then I cut each large marshmallow into 3 pieces, I could make 3 eye balls out of 1 marshmallow.  Then, I put a tiny bit of icing on an M&M so it would stick to the marshmallow to create the eye.

Viola!  Three different Minion themed treats for your Minion Obsessed maniac!  And all 3 are not really that difficult, if I can do them, anyone can!  My best advice when it comes to using melted chocolate is that it takes a few tries, you have to get a feel for it.  So, if you’re new to this keep that in mind and be prepared for it, maybe get some extra supplies(cake, pretzels, candy melts, etc.) just in case.  Please feel free to leave any questions or comments below, I am always happy to help! If you try any of these out, let me know how you did!

Minion pretzels, minion cupcakes, minion cake pops

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