My Favorites

My favorite kids multivitamin

We all want to make sure our kids are getting all the nutrition they need, right? In a perfect world, our kids would get everything they need from a perfectly balanced diet, where they ate everything that was good for them and anything we gave them. But, alas, we live in the real world where kids throw food and/or plates, refuse to eat what’s good for them, but have zero problems with eating that old goldfish cracker they found on the floor of the car.

Avoid a little mom guilt, get a good kids multivitamin!

So, what do I do to make sure my kids are getting all their nutrition and prevent any of them coming down with a case of scurvy….a good kids multivitamin! We have tried a bunch of different ones. Most recently, I’ve been using Amazon’s brand of vitamins and we are loving them! They have everything I was looking for and my kids love to eat them! Cause let’s face it, no matter how good (or expensive) a vitamin is, if your kid wont eat it, it’s useless. Below you’ll find the ones we’ve been using every day!

Good for 2 years old and up, perfect for our kids age range.

They use quality ingredients and leave out all the junk we don’t want in there.

They’re my favorite because they’re my kids favorite!

All 4 of my kids love these vitamins! Every single day they ask for them and eat them up right away, which is really the main reason we’ve stuck with them. And based on the fact that we have not been at the Drs once so far this winter, I’d say these vitamins are doing their job!

For more in depth info click the links below and check them out for yourself!

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