Hostess gift ideas
My Favorites My Mom Life

15 Hostess Gift Ideas

A roundup of 15 awesome hostess gift ideas that anyone will love!

The holidays are coming in hot which means in no time you’ll be popping around from party to party. So I thought I’d share some good hostess gift ideas. Bringing a thoughtful gift for your gracious host is a fantastic way to show your appreciation. But you don’t want to give just more of the same, you want to give something that will “wow” your host or something practical that they can actually use!

On this list of 15 great hostess gift ideas you’ll be sure to find something in your price range and something they’ll definitely love.

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1. Glass Markers

This is a simple, fun, and practical little gift! Pick something cute or something you know your host will like. Below are just a couple ideas.

2. Apron

You can pick a seasonal one, or one pertaining to the holiday or even a personalized one. It’s a very practical gift that is sure to get lots of use.

shop these personalized aprons from Personalization Mall here

3. Serving Platter

Take it from me, as someone who has hosted parties, this is one of my favorites. And if you want to make it extra special, make a yummy app to serve on it. For a delicious and easy appetizer check out my Stuffed Mushrooms recipe here! People seriously go crazy for them!

Shop these personalized serving platters here

4. Customizable Coasters

Coasters are always nice to have out. And these you can put your own pictures in and change them as you please. Any host will appreciate these and get plenty of use out them.

5. Diffuser

I love this idea for a hostess gift. Adding scent to your space is of the most affordable luxuries there is. And reed diffusers like the ones below are classy and require no heat source to produce a wonderful aroma. Can’t go wrong with this one.

6. Wine Rabbit Set

These aerators are becoming very popular and if you’ve tried one you know the difference they make. This is a fabulous hostess gift idea.

7. Stir Sticks

A thoughtful and fun little gift to show your appreciation. There are tons of options out there. Below are just a few options.

8. Salt Gift Set

This is a great hostess gift for your host who really loves being in the kitchen and creating. They add flavor, they add texture and it’s something a person may not splurge on but would love to try. That’s the definition of a great gift to me…something a person would love but would never splurge on themselves. Below are just a few to choose from. It’s pretty easy to make your own too!

9. Mrs. Meyer’s Seasonal Scent

This gift is a really nice treat for anyone. Mrs. Meyer’s seasonal scents are phenomenal!! Wrap them up nice and you have a pretty and thoughtful hostess gift! You can order sets right from the links below.

10. Floral Kitchen Towels

This is a good one for someone who hosts often. They will always appreciate having new, cute kitchen towels to use for special occasions, even if it’s just for display or decor.

11. Cute Cocktail Napkins

You could pick something that goes with the holiday/party you are attending and can be used that day. Or pick something your host can use for another event. It’s a cute and very budget-friendly gift idea.

12. Tea or Coffee

Fancy teas and gourmet coffees are always a good hostess gift. They may be happy to use them that day. Or they may save them for themselves. Either way it’s a nice treat and an easy, inexpensive way to show your appreciation.

13. Succulent

Succulents are everywhere these days and for good reason! They are easy to care for, come in so many different varieties and usually come in a cute pot. It’s a lovely, inexpensive gift for anyone.

14. Customizable Light Box

If your looking for a little less common hostess gift idea you’ll like this one. It’s fun, unique and I’m sure your host can find many ways to use this customizable light box.

15. Candles

Yes, I know, a candle may seem way overdone. But personally I am always happy to get a candle. I love burning them especially when it’s a beautiful scent. But, if you’re going to do a candle as your gift don’t go for a run-of-the-mill one, splurge a little and find one with pretty packaging and a beautiful scent. Below you’ll find a few that I like.

To me any of these ideas would make a wonderful hostess gift! Most people who host parties do it because they enjoy entertaining. They’ve most likely put a lot of thought, time and effort into putting this event together. Bringing a little something to show your appreciation is a really nice idea and will be extremely appreciated. And just a little reminder, don’t expect your gift to be used that day. Whether its coffee or tea, or the glass markers or stirrers, they might open them up right away, they may not.

I hope this round up helps you find the right hostess gifts! Let me know what you think in the comments below. And I’m always happy to hear some new ideas, if you have any of your own, please, leave them in the comments below too!

Hostess gift ideas

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